2022 Jiayu Sled Shoe Project 嘉誉新增雪橇鞋项目
Views:0 Author:嘉誉 Publish Time: 2024-03-15
雪橇鞋项目:疾速冲破终点 快成一道闪电!
2022年2月11日中国运动员闫文港钢架雪车男 子获得铜牌,事实证明嘉誉鞋底研发技术创新突破 赋能。
Sled Shoe Project: Rush to the finish line, fast like a bolt of lightning!
On February 11, 2022, Chinese athlete Yan Wengang won the bronze medal in the men's steel frame snowmobile,
which proved that Jiayu sole research and development technology innovation and breakthrough empowerment.
ANTA professional steel frame snowmobile shoes adopts a number of original designs in the industry,
breaking the monopoly of foreign brands and helping Chinese athletes to win the competition!